The Owego Advertiser
Thursday, August 5, 1841

Donated by Martha S. Magill

Thursday, August 5, 1841

Vol. VI, No. 22, Whole No. 282. The Advertiser is published every Thursday morning, at Owego, Tioga County, N.Y., by Andrew H. Calhoun. Office in Jonathan Platt's Brick Building directly opposite the Post-Office.

This 4-page newspaper is primarily made up of long advertisements descriptive of items for sale by the businesses listed in the front-page advertising directory, and is not "newsy." The impression is given that the village of Owego is growing rapidly, and that Owego is an important source of provisions, equipment, and services to customers in rural areas of northern Pennsylvania. It's possible that a map of the Front Street business district as it appeared in 1841 could be reconstructed, via property research and mapping out business locations noted relative to hotels and specific blocks that might appear on later maps.



For the benefit of Yearly Advertisers.

A.H. Calhoun, Justice of the Peace, Office in the lower story directly opposite the Post Office.


Allen & Storrs, Storage and Forwarding Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs, &c. Front Street.

William A. Ely, Dry Goods, Groceries, Planes, &c. Front st. south side, opposite Rollin Block.

D.G. & W. C. Taylor, Storage, Forwarding and Merchandise, Front street, south side, opposite the Post Office.

George Bacon, Dry Goods, and Groceries, opposite Mannings' Hotel.

James Ely, Dry Goods and Groceries, Front Street, nearly opposite Wm. Muzzy's Franklin House.

Slosson & Williams, Dry Goods and Groceries, Front street, directly opposite Lake St.

Geo. B. Goodrich & Co., Dry Goods, Groceries and Crockery, Front street, nearly opposite Mannings' Hotel.

G. Truman & Brothers, Dry Goods, Groceries, opposite Rollin Block, Front Street.

A. H. Truman, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Front street.

Wm. H. Platt, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Front street, nearly opposite Mannings' Hotel.

A. H. Truman & Sons, Groceries, &c., nearly opposite the Franklin House.


Slosson & Williams, Dealers in Books and Stationery, Front street, opposite the Postoffice.

A. H. Calhoun, Dealer in Stationery, Fancy articles, &c., Front st., opposite the Postoffice.

Jedediah Fay, Dealer in Books and Stationery, in the Exchange Building, Front street.


O. & G. W. Gregory, Hardware, Wooden Ware, Leather and Finding Store, Front street, opposite the Owego Bank.


J. L. Pinney & Son, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Fancy articles, Rollin Block, corner of Front and Lake sts.

J. Fay, Drugs, Groceries, Fancy articles, &c., New Brick building West of Mannings' Hotel.


B. B. Curry, South side Front street, nearly opposite Mannings' Hotel.

John C. Kelly, Merchant Tailor, No. 4 Lake Street, Owego.

Knight & Connelly, Tailors, Lake street, opposite the Owego Market.

S. & W. J. Totten, Front street, Room over J. C. Lanning's Store.


Thomas & Steele, Dealers in Boots & Shoes, No. 2 Rollin Block, Front Street.

Asa Dearborn, Dealers in Boots & Shoes, 2nd door west of the Tioga County House.


Doct. Lovejoy, Office east wing of Dwelling house, nearly opposite J. Pumpelly's.

Doct. H. N. Eastman, Physician and Surgeon; Office and Dwelling in the house of Mrs. Reeves, Lake Street.


Mrs. Reeves, Lake Street.


Ira Woodford & Co., Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Lake Street. Store formerly occupied by L. Truman & Brothers.

Fiddis & Springsteen, Furnace near Platt & Rockwoods' Mills.


Mortgage Executed by John C. Stedman to Israel Wells dated 29th day of May 1833- Recorded in Tioga County Clerk's Office on the 1st day of Juene 1833 in book of mortgages No. 7 on pages 200 and 201 at 11 o'clock A.M. and assigned to Stephen Wells Jr. Sept. 18, 1833, on which there is claimed to be due at the time of the first publication of this notice two thousand four hundred, twenty nine dollars and seventy six cents. ($2429.76). The premises mortgatged are described therein as follows: "all that certain piece or parcel of land lying in the town of Berkshire, county and state aforesaid, being parts of lots number four hundred and sixteen, and four hundred and seventeen, in the Boston purchse so called, and bounded as follows, viz. ... [Note: refer to courthouse for original text description of property]...which premises will be sold at public auction, by virtue of a power of sale contained in said mortgage at the Court House in Owego, on the 19th day of November next, at 1 o'clock P.M. of that day. Dated June 2d, 1841.

STEPHEN WELLS, Jr., Assignee
E. S. SWEET, Att'y.


MORTGAGE executed by John Van Allen to Israel Wells, dated 20th November 1832,- Recorded in Tioga County Clerks office in book of mortgages No. 7, on pages 14 and 15, Nov. 26, 1836, at 12 o'clock noon, and assigned to Stephen Wells Jr., September 18, 1833, on which there is claimed to be due at the first publication of this notice, five hundred and forty two dollars and thirty three cents ($542,33). The premises mortgaged, are described therein as follows- "All that certain piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the town of Richford aforesaid, being part of lot No. 457 in the Boston purchase, so called, and bounded as follows viz. ... [Note: refer to courthouse for original text description of property in the village of Richford]... which premises will be sold at public auction, by virtue of a power of sale contained in said mortgage at the Court house in Owego, on the 19th day of November next, at 1 o'clock P.M. of that day. Dated June 2d, 1841.

STEPHEN WELLS, Jr., Assignee
E. S. SWEET, Att'y.


MORTGAGE executed by Richard Hayhurst to Andrew Gee, dated December 6th, 1838, Recorded in Tioga county Clerks' Office in Book of Mortgages No. 10, page 567, May 11, 1841, and on which Mortgage there is claimed to be due on the first publication of this notice, seven hundred and sixty-four dollars and seventy-seven cents. [Note: refer to courthouse for original text description of property in the town of Candor] ...which premises will be sold at public auction, by virtue of a power of Sale contained in said mortgage, at the house of Lucus Humphrey, in Candor on the 10th day of Nov. next at 2 o'clock P.M.

ANDREW GEE, Mortgagee
Dated at Candor May 18, 1841.


MORTGAGE executed by Hiram Scofield to Francis Gragg, dated thirteenth day of January, 1837, recorded in Tioga county Clerk's Office in book of Mortgages No. 9 page 321, January 13th, 1837, at 4 o'clock P.M., on which there is claimed to be due at the time of the first publication of this notice, four hundred forty-one dollars and eighty-five cents ($441,85). ... [Note: refer to courthouse for original text description of property in the town of Chemung]... which premises will be sold at public auction by virtue of a power of sale contained in said mortgage at the Court House in Owego on the 13th day of November next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon.

E. S. SWEET, Attorney.
Dated May 24, 1841.

About 1/3 of the front page is taken up by a detailed eyewitness account of the "Great Eruption of the Volcano of Kilauea," in May 1840, copied from the most recent issue of the Missionary Herald. "An interesting account of a late Volcanic Eruption at Hawaii, one of the Sandwich Islands." The writer was Rev. Mr. Coan, "one of the missionaries on that island."


Carriage & Blacksmithing - new co-partnership between Jacob Conklin and Horace McFarland, in the village of Owego a few rods west of the Tioga County House. Dated May 1, 1841.

Fiddis, Springsteen & Co. - mill work, castings, pile drivers, ploughs. "The subscribers, at the old stand near Rockwood's Mills, two miles north of Owego village, are now prepared to execute all kinds of work connected with the Foundry business, such as building steam engines, rail road cars, hydraulick presses."

T. P. Patch - "Owego Market." meat, fish, cheese, etc.

Knight & Connelly - new tailoring business at the old Stand in Lake Street, formerly occupied by Knight & Kelly. Moses Knight and David Connelly. Dated April 22, 1841.

Mrs. Reeves - hats and bonnets. Lake Street. Dated June 7, 1841.


This page has a long prize-winning essay, "The Mysteries of Being," written by a young Owego woman, Jenette M. Hall, a student at Albany Female Academy. Miss Hall had recently been invited to take charge of the Young Ladies Department in the Oxford Academy. Mention is made that the essay by Albany Female Academy student Miss Delinda McCormick, daughter of Col. Henry McCormick of Owego, wasn't published in this issue as it was written in French. Other short articles discuss banking legislation in Washington D.C., temperance, railway and canal planning in New York State, the prices of crops, and brigade orders specifying locations and times where various NYS militia regiment officers will "rendezvous for military improvement and exercise."

The longest way round the shortest way home.-

Most of our citizens who have occasion to visit New York, now go and return by the way of Cayuga Lake, Utica, and Albany. This route, though some 200 miles longer, is traveled over in a shorter space of time, and with far more comfort, than by the direct stage routes, via Newburgh, or New Jersey.

The substitution of the new steamboat Simeon De Witt, for the old one, on Cayuga Lake, has brought this route into repute. Now, there is no fear of delay. The traveler is landed at the Bridge by eleven o'clock, A. M., from which place he has eight miles, to Auburn, to take the cars to two o'clock, P. M.

The beautiful scenery of the Lake, the excellent accommodation on board the Dewitt, and the gentlemanly deportment of Capt. Buckbee, adds not a little to the comfort of the traveler. One feels perfect at home on this boat. The skill of the Captain is a guaranty of his safety, while the prompt attention to his wants; the quiet and orderly movements of the hands, and their entire freedom from the noisy vulgarity usual to most boatmen, renders his situation pleasant and agreeable. We cannot too strongly recommend the Dewitt and her commander to the traveling public.

CAYUGA LAKE.- This Lake is destined to become an important link in the chain of communication between the cities of New York and Buffalo, and the Western country. When the New York and Erie Rail Road is completed, passengers from the West, on the central route, will take the steamboat for Ithaca, at Cayuga Bridge, thence by Ithaca and Owego Rail Road to this village, where they will take the Cars on our Great Road, and be landed in New York some hours earlier than by the way of Albany.


The Oneida Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, will commence its session in this place on the 11th day of August. Bishop SOULE is expected to preside.

Public services will be held in the Chapel every evening during the session of the Conference.

Owego, August 5, 1841.


In Marathon, Cortland Co. on the 11th ult. of Billious Fever, MISS ERMINA BENJAMIN, age 6 years, daughter of Rev. H. Benjamin.

At the same place, on Friday the 30th ult. of Billious Fever, MRS. EMELINE P. BENJAMIN, aged 26, wife of Rev. H. Benjamin, and daughter of O. Hall, Esq. of this town.

To the Farmers of Tioga County.

NOTICE is hereby given that a Meeting of the Farmers and Citizens in general of the said county, will be held at the Court House, in the village of Owego on Monday the 23d day of August next at 12 o'clock noon for the purpose of organizing a County Agricultural Society in pursuance of the act of the Legislature of the State of New York, passed May 5th, 1841, whereby the sum of $305 is appropriated to said county for the promotion of Agriculture, &c.

Clerk Tioga Co.


Of the Owego Academy will commence on the 15th day of September next.

Miss McFarland, a skillful and experienced performer on the FORTE PIANO, will superintend the Music Department.

By order of the Trustees.
JA'S. PUMPELLY, Presd't.
Owego, July, 1841.

Owego Flour Store.

Having established a store opposite the Franklin House near the Bridge for the sale of Flour, Meal, Midlings, Shorts & Bran at wholesale & retail. I respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. I will also receive at the store all grists which the inhabitants may wish ground at my mill to which place they shall be carried and returned to the store without charge.

Grocers who may feel inclined to patronize me will have their grists taken from their stores. I hope by promptness, punctuality and despatch, to merit the favor of the public. Ithaca Flour will be kept constantly on hand.

paid for all kinds of grain and for 2000 Flour Barrels.



From the SULKY of the subscriber, on Saturday the 24th instant, a few rods below the bridge next south of Col. Rockwood's Mills, a pair of "PILL BAGS" containing besides a quantity of Medicines, a valuable case of Surgical Instruments, an Ivory handled Turn-Key, Forcess, &c. The Owner, in consequence of his carriage being broken, having returned a short distance to procure a saddle and bridle, the said Bags impatient of delay "stepped out."

Whoever will return said property or more especially the instruments therein contained, or give any satisfactory information concerning them will be handsomely rewarded.

Owego, July 29, 1841



REMAINING at the Post Office at Newark Valley, N.Y., quarter ending June 30th, 1841.

John J. Arnold
Miss Phebe Burt
Miss Zilpha Bostwick
Francis H. Brown
Isaac Bunnel
Horace Canfield
Nehemiah Doney
Lyman Durphy
Anson Higbe
George E. Keith
William Knapp
Charles Prairie
John Pinney
Elias Richardson
Mrs. Esther Richardson
Samuel Scott
John & David Settle
David Saddlemire
L. D. Walworth
Mrs. Hannah Wakins
John Walter
Peter Zimmer

W.B. BURBANK, P.M. [post master]


Allen & Storrs - crockery, china & glass. Ad first placed July 1, 1831.

John Cassell - boot, shoe & leather store has been enlarged, and located at No. 1, Rollin Block three doors west of J.L. Pinney & Son's Druggist Store. Dated July 7, 1841.

Slosson & Williams - books & stationery, located on Front Street directly opposite Lake Street. Dated June 1, 1841.

G. Truman & Brothers - dry goods, groceries, hardware, located at No. 16 Front Street, nearly opposite the Rollin Block.

G.B. Goodrich & Co. - George B. Goodrich and Charles Talcott. Dry goods & crockery, Opposite the Hotel. Dated May 1841.

T.I. Chatfield - has moved his grocery & bakery to a new shop on the west side of Lake Street, three doors below the Market. Dated June 3, 1841.

L. H. Dorphley - surgeon dentist, intends to make Owego his permanent residence, and has taken a room at W. P. Raymond's Tioga County House. Will also make house calls. Dated June 1, 1841.

Misses Wright & Holmes - late of the City of New York, millinery & fashionable dress making. Rooms over Mr. Hewitt's store, Front Street, nearly opposite the Bank. Dated June 2, 1841.

Nichols & Greenleaf - Thomas M. Nichols and Amos C. Greenleaf, new co-partnership, cheap dry goods store. Nearly opposite Manning's Hotel, first door above Taylor's Store. Dated May 27, 1841.

J. L. Pinney & Son - paints, glass, putty. Dated May 18, 1841.

S. & W. J. Totten - new co-partnership in tailoring business in the shop formerly occupied by S. Totten over the store of J. C. Lanning, and opposite the Franklin House, on Front St. Dated June 14, 1841.


The Co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, is today mutually dissolved. The Books are left at the old stand with Mr. Knight - where all indebted are requested to call and settle.

April 15, 1841.


The subscriber would inform his old friends and customers, and the public generally, that his Mills are now in good repair, and in operation; and he is prepared to execute all orders in his line of business in the best manner, and with all possible despatch.

Owego, July 22, 1841.


The subscriber offers for sale his Dwelling House and lot situated next west of James Pumpelly's residence in Owego. This spot is very pleasant and retired, and yet convenient to the business part of the village. It is in good repair, and well arranged for comfort. He also offers a lot of four acres of very productive land near to the above premises. This property will be sold together or separately at a low price for one-fourth cash, and good security for the balance.

Owego, June 1, 1841.



Owego, May 27, 1841.

In pursuance of the power vested in me by Chap. X of the 1st part of the Revised Statutes of this State, I, B. B. Curry, Colonel and commanding officer of the 53 regiment of Infantry of the Militia of the State of N. Y. do hereby appoint a Regimental Court Martial, for the trial of all delinquents and deficiencies in the said regiment, to constitute three members, viz: Major Philo T. Kingsbury, as president thereof, Captain Sylvester Shelden, and Ensign Almon Archibald, as members.

The said court will convene on the 25th day of October next, at the house of L. Manning & Son in the town of Owego, and adjourn from time to time, as shall become necessary for the transaction of business.

B. B. CURRY, Colonel.


Thomas & Steele - J. Thomas and F. C. Steele. Boots & shoes. New co-partnership has taken store formerly occupied by Geo. C. Rich, on Front street.

A. H. Truman & Son - groceries, Onondaga Salt (by the wagon load). Opposite Mrs. Goodman's old stand and the one now occupied by Wm. Muzzy.

Daniel Armstrong - seller of Marl Lime. Dated May 13, 1841.

A. H. Calhoun - seller of writing ink. Dated Dec. 3, 1840.

Hovey & Welch - "All persons indebted to the subscribers are notified that they must make immediate payment, as circumstances imperiously demand it." Dated Owego, Aug. 27, 1840.

Carriage making business - new co-partnership between James Conklin and C. S. Anley on Main St. Also will make "lumber waggons" and sleighs. Dated Aug. 24, 1840.

John C. Kelly - merchant tailor at No. 4 Lake Street. Dated May 20, 1841.

A. H. Calhoun - patent medicines. Address in Owego not given.

William A. Ely - groceries, dry goods, hardware. Dated Aug. 7, 1840.

J. Fay - book dealer, stationery

J. L. Pinney & Son - The "Owego Arcade." Groceries, drugs & medicines, paints, oils, dye stuff.

O. & G. W. Gregory - joiners tools

Wm. H. Platt - hardware, wooden-ware, leather & findings. Have recently taken the store opposite the Owego Bank and recently occupied by E. W. Warner. Dated Owego, June 27, 1838.

Lewis & Deuel Saddle and Harnes Shop - Ebenezer E. Lewis and Nathaniel Deuel. Nearly opposite Johnsons' Mills in the west end of the store formerly occupied by W. H. Platt in the village of Canewana. Dated Canewana, Dec. 23, 1840.

James Ely - dry goods, groceries, crockery. New store nearly opposite Mrs. Goodman's Hotel. Dated June 1840.

Canewanna Woolen Factory - Crane & Mersereau, wool carding & cloth dressing in the village of Canewana. "Customers are informed that the Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing establishmsent formerly carried on by Crane & Mersereau, at Jones' old stand, near Tinkham's Plaster Mill, is removed to Canewana (Johnson's Mill, near Owego,) at which place they are invited to call." Dated May 4, 1841.

D. G. & W. C. Taylor - "Pennsylvania money received at par."


DR. EZEKIEL LOVEJOY has recommenced the practice of
Physick and Surgery,
in this place, and respectfully solicits the patronage of his old friends and others. His office is in the east wing of his dwelling house
nearly opposite Mr. James Pumpelly's.
October 17, 1839.

A fresh supply of the above water, in good order, just received and for sale by J. FAY. Dated May 17, 1841. [probably water from Saratoga Springs]


The subscribers having recently entered into co-partnership in the business of Land Surveying, take this method to inform the inhabitants of Owego and vicinity, that they will attend promptly to any calls in their line of business.

N. B. No compensation will be asked unless the business be done O.K., or according to order. Call at the office of N. W. Davis, Esq.

Owego, May 26, 1841.


All persons indebted to the Estate of Lorenzo Reeves Deceased are hereby notified to call and settle or payment will be enforced without further delay.

MARIA L. REEVES, Executrix.
Owego, May 18th, 1840.


The Trustees of the Owego Academy have taken unwearied pains to place the institution upon a par with the best Academies in the State. They have succeeded beyond their highest expectations, as the catalogue of the present year sufficiently indicates. They call the attention of patrons at home and abroad to the following particulars.

COMMON SCHOOL TEACHER'S DEPARTMENT,- By a new arrangement, a department for the instruction of Common School Teachers is now connected with this Academy, under the charge of CHARLES R. COBURN.- Young gentlemen desiring to fit for teachers of common schools, are informed that Mr. Coburn's qualifications in this branch of instruction are not surpassed.

APPARATUS.- The Labratory (sic) is now furnished with a select Chemical and Philosophical apparatus. Lectures with illustrations will be read to the classes in the natural sciences through the fall and winter terms.

LIBRARY.- Between two and three hundred volumes of miscellaneous works have been added to the library, to which scholars may have free access at all times.

MINERALS.- A cabinet of mineralogical specimens is provided for the classes in mineralogy.

BOARD.- Board can be had in private families for $1.50 to $1.75 per week. Scholars from abroad can board with their teachers if desired.


Introductory Department, PER ANN $6
Common English Studies, " 12
Natural Sciences, " 16
Ancient Languages, Botany
Civil Engineering, and the
higher Mathematics, " 20
Musick, French, Drawing,
Wax and Flower Painting
and Embroidery " EXTRA

TERMS.- The year is divided into three terms of fifteen weeks each; severally commencing on the 11th of September, the 2d of January, and the 1st of May.

VACATIONS.- There is a vacation of one week in December, including the holidays; one of two weeks following the 15th of April, and one of four weeks at the close of the summer term.

TEACHERS.- I. B. Headly, Principal; Miss Jane W. Barker and Miss Eliza Bell, Teachers. Whole number of Students 187.

Owego, August, 16, 1839.

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